What documents do I need to travel to Mexico?

The beauty of Mexico is recognized worldwide and this is reflected in the millions of visitors that fill the airports every year.

In 2019, Mexico was among the 10 most visited countries in the world, in 2020, it ranked third on that list, according to the World Tourism Organization and in 2021, more than 31 million tourists visited the country; These numbers reflect the excellent place that Mexico has among the preferences of international travelers.

Given this scenario, it is more than clear the importance of knowing what are the requirements that the Mexican state asks for to enter Mexico and if they are the same for all foreign visitors.

More details are below…

What are the requirements to enter Mexico?

As is the case throughout the world, entry into a country is conditional on the approval of the immigration and health authorities, who are in charge of verifying compliance with the provisions in each review filter located at land, air, and sea entry points.

The National Institute of Migration is the entity in charge of controlling compliance with the requirements to enter Mexico; they are:

Main documents…

1. Valid passport or identity and travel document, which is valid under international law. It must be in good condition and it is recommended that it be valid for at least six months.

2. Multiple Migration Form (FMM) or, failing that, the Multiple Electronic Migration Form, for foreigners entering the country by land or air. Submit the duly filled form.

This FMM is usually delivered to airlines, buses, and commercial vessels before arriving in Mexico.

This migratory form, once the entry is authorized and duly stamped, must be kept by the visitor since it must be delivered to the INM official upon leaving the country. If you do not have it, you will have to pay a fine.

If you travel for vacation to Mexico normally this is all you need. Those who need to enter the country for reasons other than tourism and business, or to stay for more than 180 days, will need to apply for a visa at a Mexican consulate in their home country before coming to Mexico.

Sometimes add this…

3. Likewise, the immigration authority may request the foreign person to verify the reason for their trip, normally they just ask a few questions but sometimes according to the case they may request:

Hotel reservation, return tickets (itinerary), tour tickets (itinerary).

You can also be requested proof of economic solvency for the period of stay in the national territory. For this is highly recommended to have an international credit card.

Mandate letter in Spanish from the parent company, affiliate, or foreign subsidiary indicating that the foreign person is an employee of it and that the payment of the services that it will provide in the national territory will be borne by it (if it’s a job-related trip).

Contract for the transfer of technology, patents and trademarks, for the sale of machinery and equipment, for technical training of personnel, or any other related to the production process of a company established in Mexico or that links the foreign party with the Mexican party, or proof of appointment by the shareholders’ meeting of companies legally established in Mexico (Copy).

Letter from a public or private organization or institution in which it invites the foreign person to participate in some unpaid activity in national territory, stating the purpose of the visit and the estimated length of stay. If the organization or institution bears the travel and permanence expenses of the foreign person in the Mexican territory, a responsive letter must be attached.

Letter of invitation or acceptance from an institution belonging to the National Educational System to carry out courses, studies, research or training projects for a maximum period of one hundred and eighty days (Original).

Continue reading, there are some more specific cases…

4. In the case of girls, boys, adolescents or people under legal guardianship in terms of civil legislation, who are accompanied by a third party of legal age or travel alone, they must present a document evidencing authorization to leave the national territory of the persons who exercise parental authority or guardianship over them granted before a Notary Public or competent authority. In the case of a document granted abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled as the case may be, with its translation when it is in a language other than Spanish.

5. Concerning the items that visitors to Mexico can bring, it is suggested to visit the following informative sections of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), because it is the competent authority.

Among the important points it is necessary to consider that according to the provisions of the SAT (the Mexican IRS), amounts must be declared in cash, in documents receivable or a combination of both that together exceed 10,000.00 (ten thousand US dollars) or its equivalent in national currency or other currencies. More details here.

On the other hand, those who visit Mexican territory and for some reason wish to transport agri-food products, must meet certain requirements, info here.

6. A visa can be added to all the above requirements if necessary. Here it is worth clarifying that only for visitors from a few countries does this requirement applies, with which Mexico does not have an agreement. To see if you need a visa or not you can check this link.

What are the requirements to enter Mexico with pets?

If you travel with pets, you must also meet special requirements. In principle, you must contact the airline to ensure that you meet the travel conditions according to the type of pet.

Once you are in Mexican territory, you must contact the official Senasica staff who will be in charge of making an import certificate for your pet; For this, the officer will carry out a physical and documentary inspection, to verify compliance with the following requirements:

  1. Certificate of Good Health with a maximum validity of 15 days from having been issued in an original and simple copy. See details in the link before finishing the section.
  2. Your pet must enter a transporter or container, clean, without bedding, and without implements or accessories (toys, sweets, prizes or other objects, made with ingredients of ruminant origin), otherwise, they will be removed for destruction. The transporter or container will receive a preventive treatment by spraying by the official personnel of Agriculture-Senasica; you can enter with your collar, leash, etc.
  3. You will be able to enter the daily ration of balanced food in bulk.
  4. If you are traveling from the United States and Canada, it is not necessary to present your pet’s Health certificate, you just have to contact the official Senasica staff who will perform a physical inspection of your pet.

If you have a pet other than a dog or cat, you should check more details here.

Requirements to enter Mexico in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Since the pandemic began in 2020, Mexico has not imposed sanitary restrictions on entry into its territory.

Although many countries request a certificate of vaccinations or negative tests before travel, in Mexico it is not necessary to present them.

We recommend that you consult the measures requested by the company in which you are going to travel and also consider the requirements of the countries in which you are going to make a stopover.


1. Be sure to keep safe your passport and migratory form all the time.

2. Health insurance is not a mandatory requirement, however, keep in mind that private health costs in Mexico can be very high and it is better to have one.

3. Check our blog on the main airports in Mexico such as the CDMX AirportCancun Airport, etc.

4. Make sure you review all the necessary documents and requirements before leaving on your trip, avoid arriving tired and/or jet-lagged and having to spend extra time at Immigration or worse still, being denied entry.

5. Visit Mexico, and enjoy it to the fullest, it will fascinate you! 

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